8 Simple Ways to Regain Motivation

Christine McDonald
4 min readSep 18, 2023

Tried and true practices to rejuvenate motivation when life zaps it out of you

Yellow happy smiley balloons motivating positivity and progress
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Staying motivated is not always easy.

You can read, believe and practice all the positive mindset exercises available. If you’re a realist, you know life can throw punches that knock the motivation right out of you.

Not everyone — actually, no one, if we’re being honest — can stay consistently motivated. I don’t care what type of guru one claims to be or enlightenment one claims to have reached. Life gets in the way of positivity and can affect motivation in the best of us.

The solution is to have a few tips and tricks to get you through those times.

Recently during a very serious crisis I struggled to stay focused, positive and motivated. And believe me, those three skills are my strong points. But I’m human and life can adversely affect each one of us, as it did me.

The experience got me thinking. How do I — how did I get my motivation back?

8 Practical Ways to Regain Your Motivation

  1. Get Physical — this might seem simple and it is. So simple you may…



Christine McDonald

Spiritual Confidence Coach | Lifestyle Writer | Podcaster. Helping Emerging Adults & Millennials live more spiritually guided lives. www.GuidingLifeCoaching.com