Christine McDonald
Christine McDonald

Hey there. I'm Christine!

I'm a Millennial Confidence Coach and Lifestyle Writer with a Spiritual Twist and a Legal Background.


I've been “Writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil and a thought”™ Teaching (an invisible class) since I got a double-sided chalkboard for Christmas as a kid. Following faith not knowing there were other roads to travel. And coaching (previously called counseling) friends through life's dilemmas since I was a teen.

My first story was written in invisible ink (shout out to cereal box prizes) and I still can’t find it. (Can that technically be called Ghostwriting!) My first job was in a library.

My first diary piqued my love of writing. Which got me an "A" in high school English for journal writing - but which cost me many friends :( Because I was the reason the teacher assigned weekly journal writing. And that's when I discovered not everyone loves to write. And then so not everyone loved Christine. Wait. What!! BUT it also lead me years later to create the Write to Release™ through journal writing program. Which I discovered LOTS of people like to take!

So SCORE!! (I wonder if anyone from my English class secretly took it - LOL)


I've studied Writing for Children & Teenagers, Creative Writing, Songwriting, Copywriting, Content Writing and Column Writing. And offer my professional writing services because . . .

I love words.

And storytelling.

And helping clients share their stories, products, services, company, community and causes with their customers, audience and visitors.


Eventually my love of words and storytelling lead me to create the Guidance On Demand Podcast - because - um - I also love to talk and inspire people. Drop over and listen to a few episodes. I need (your) inspiration to get back to it - because I REALLY do love to talk and inspire people.


Combining my love of words, storytelling, coaching, teaching, talking and faith with my love of inspiring people - especially Young Emerging Adults and Millennials - I finally figured out what I wanted to be - now that I'm grown up - It took time - lots of it - but I finally created:

----> a writing services business (yes, absolutely! you can hire me)

----> a spiritual guidance inspirational podcast (in its awesome infancy)

With a mission to help inspire you to become all you hope and want to be!

And a mission to help your publication, product or service - your company, community or cause reach the audience you're trying to serve. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

If you've read this far, I really want to say THANK YOU. I appreciate your time hanging out here to find out about me! I hope you enjoyed your visit.

Blessings ~ Christine!

Medium member since January 2021
Christine McDonald

Christine McDonald

Spiritual Confidence Coach | Lifestyle Writer | Podcaster. Helping Emerging Adults & Millennials live more spiritually guided lives.